NJA 2013 s. 1076: Ne bis in idem. En skattskyldig har underlåtit att lämna deklarationer och därmed inte redovisat inkomster av näringsverksamhet eller mervärdesskatt. Beslut om skattetillägg beträffande inkomstskatt har ansetts inte hindra en prövning av åtal för grovt skattebrott avseende mervärdesskatt.


Le principe réellement visé par le législateur est alors certainement res judicata pro veritate habetur. En fait, il nous semble que ces deux propositions poursuivent 

Ne bis in idem - en undersökning Res)judicata)eller)litis)pendens?) sagts om dubbelbestraffning avseende idem-momentet får anses vara obsolet. Asiasanat: ihmisoikeudet, perusoikeudet, ne bis in idem, kaksoisrangaistavuus Käsittelen työssäni ne bis in idem- periaatetta, joka tarkoittaa ei kahdesti samassa asiassa. Kyse on kaksoisrangaistavuuden estämisestä. Periaate liittyy keskeisesti Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimuksen seitsemännen lisäpöytäkirjan 4 artiklaan. Periaatteen national ne bis in idem, meaning the principle as it operates within the domestic legal orders of the Party States, and it does not deal with the 5 For a comment on the Dutch ne bis in idem in Art. 68 of the Penal Code, see P. Baauw, Ne bis in idem, in B. Swart and A. Klip (eds.), International Criminal Law in the Netherlands, 1 Se avsnitt 1.6 om användningen av begreppet “res judicata-verkan” samt skillnaden mellan begreppen res judicata och negativ rättskraft. 2 Se exempelvis: RÅ 1978 1:9, RÅ 1979 Bb 116, RÅ 1987 ref. 80, HFD 2013 ref.

Res judicata ne bis in idem

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, ‘ The Principle of “ne bis in idem” ’, (2006) 77 Revue internationale de droit pénal 121 –30CrossRef Google Scholar; Nita, B., ‘ Orzeczenia uruchamiające zakaz wynikający z zasady ne bis in idem w art. 54 konwencji wykonawczej z Schengen ’, 2008 1 Przegląd prawa europejskiego i międzynarodowego 5 – 22 Google Scholar; Sharpston, E. and Fernández-Martín, J. M. Ne bis in idem (deutsch nicht zweimal in derselben [Sache]), eigentlich lateinisch bis de eadem re ne sit actio (‚zweimal sei in derselben Sache keine Gerichtsverhandlung‘) ist ein lateinischer Rechtsgrundsatz. Nevertheless, as ne bis in idem is an important subjective legal position for the defendant, and one that is fundamental to any state based on the rule of law, this exception must be dealt with restrictively and in accordance with the principle of proportionality. 2. As to agreements between the suspect and the authorities The ne bis in idem (not twice for the same thing) principle is a corollary of res judicata (a thing adjudicated) principle.

NJA 2007 s. 557: Enligt ett åtal för narkotikabrott har en  NJA 1992 s. 621: Fråga om tillämpning av 8 § lagen (1957:668) om utlämning för brott.

Le principe réellement visé par le législateur est alors certainement res judicata pro veritate habetur. En fait, il nous semble que ces deux propositions poursuivent 

att ett visst materiellt Rättskraft · Ne bis in idem · Processförutsättningar  den allmänna rättsprincipen ne bis in idem, dvs. att ingen skall dömas för samma sak res judicata i Sverige, får inte ansvar för en gärning som har prövats av. 30 hp Juristprogrammet höstterminen 2013 Ne bis in idem - en undersökning om 1 RB framgår att saken är rättskraftigt avgjord, res judicata, i och med en  Ne bis in idem-principen finns Hur bestäms idem enligt svensk rätt?

The Di Puma judgment raises some problems on the relationship between the ne bis in idem and res judicata principles. The latter is a general principle recognised and respected in the EU legal order. Footnote 71 It consists of barring a matter in a subsequent litigation once it has been decided by a final judgment against which no appeal is

Res judicata ne bis in idem

is evidenced by the fact that the max-im .

Schlagworte. Rechtskraft Umfang der Rechtskraftwirkung Allgemein Bindung der Behörde res iudicata ne bis in idem res iudicata ne bis in idem  Translations in context of "non bis in idem" in English-Chinese from Reverso be reopened without violating the principles of res judicata and non bis in idem. She – starting from the definition of res judicata as the irrevocable end of a correctly of the judicial decision and therefore of the principle of ne bis in idem. I den nationella straffprocessrätten kommer förbudet även till uttryck genom läran om brottmålsdomars negativa rättskraft (res judicata). I den finska rättshistorian är   to as ne bis in idem.[4].
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Res judicata ne bis in idem

principen om ne bis in idem ibland, som i protokollet, anges avse grund av res judicata och rättegångshinder på grund av lis pendens. Det. av R Ericson · 2014 — Keywords [sv]. Ne bis in idem, res judicata, lis pendens, skatteförfarandet, skatteprocess, förutsebarhet, skattebrott, bokföringsbrott, skattetillägg  av L Axén · 2012 — 3.4 Europadomstolens praxis gällande ne bis in idem . 7.2 Förhållandet mellan principerna res judicata och litis pendens .. 28.

practice, implementing this principle will of course contribute to protecting . res judicata.
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принципам res judicata и non bis in idem. daccess-ods.un.org principle of “ne bis in idem” which states that [] no legal action can be instituted twice for the.

1 The ne bis in idem principle as a domestic general principle of law The ne bis in idem principle is a general principle of (criminal) law in many national legal orders, sometimes even codified as a constitutional Second plea in law, alleging that the General Court erred in finding that the October 2013 measures did not infringe the principles of res judicata, legal certainty, legitimate expectations and ne bis in idem, or the right to an effective remedy. This chapter explores the main issues as well as the principal commonalities and differences found in the civil law and common law traditions with regard to the legal doctrine of double jeopardy (ne bis in idem). It begins with an overview of double jeopardy, along with the related concepts of res judicata and lis pendens. It then considers the supporting and conflicting rationales for the Ne bis in idem - Legal Basis •ECHR –Art.

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Recent CJEU judgments on ne bis in idem principle. On 20 March 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), Grand Chamber, issued three judgments concerning the principle of ne bis in idem in criminal matters and, in particular the relation between administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions.


At the same time res judicata is a principle of judicial economy aimed at preventing (costly) re- litigation of already decided cases. Further, it serves the purpose of legal security by avoiding the potential of divergent decisions in identical cases. 2.

At the same time res judicata is a principle of judicial economy aimed at preventing (costly) re-litigation of already decided cases.

adj. deemed. adj.