Use the 'pll_get_post_types' filter The custom post type is declared as translatable in a wpml-config.xml file The option has been accessible at one point (either with a public post type or with the 'pll_get_post_types' filter), the option has been checked and then the post type has been made non public (or the filter has been removed).
It seems like polylang only supports translations for public custom post types. Since we often use custom post types that are not public available but referenced within another post or page, polylang translations are not available for th
So, in short. Wait until Polylang fixes this, don't expect a fix from us, we've done all we can. 👍 As Polylang is a rather new plugin, much newer then WPML (which I usually don’t use), it support the WPML language configuration file wpml-config.xml, so if your theme says, that it’s WPML ready and has this file, you can probably skip some of the steps I’ve shown you in this blog post, or even all of them. Use the 'pll_get_post_types' filter The custom post type is declared as translatable in a wpml-config.xml file The option has been accessible at one point (either with a public post type or with the 'pll_get_post_types' filter), the option has been checked and then the post type has been made non public (or the filter has been removed).
Calafate is a new way for designers, developers and users to experience WordPress.A Portfolio website reimagined to highlight your most important content. In the same way that brave explorers carve pathways to new ways of living, thinking outside of the square and pushing the boundaries of human experience, your work also deserves new & original ways to communicate with your audience. The wpml-config.xml file. March 2, 2016. December 1, 2020.
[This thread is closed.] I kindly ask for help with Polylang support. Hi everyone, today I had a fatal error on my site, after updating my theme…
Contribute to polylang/polylang development by creating an account on GitHub. [This thread is closed.] I kindly ask for help with Polylang support. Hi everyone, today I had a fatal error on my site, after updating my theme… 2019-04-21 Food and Drink Menu wpml-config.xml file for Polylang compatibility (fixes issues with menu sections) - wpml-config.xml 2014-02-24 You have an error in the file wpml-config.xml included in your theme: /home/platne/serwer83279/public_html/pm/dermamedica/wp-content/themes/dermamedica/wpml-config.xml The theme author has to fix it. More info in the sticked topic: … I’m trying to configure the wpml-config.xml file but it doesn’t recognize me.
Polylang automatically takes the wpml-config.xml configurations, so you don’t need to add more details to cover the two. And as we discussed, whilst not obligatory, using a custom language switcher will give you more control over the structure and class naming.
Since we often use custom post types that are not public available but referenced within another post or page, polylang translations are not available for th WordPress multilingual plugin. Contribute to polylang/polylang development by creating an account on GitHub. We communicated about this from a month before release of 14.0, but unfortunately, Polylang isn't finished with their fix yet. So, you can't update to 14.0 yet, because Polylang isn't ready yet. We didn't know Polylang was using the wpml-config.xml file, had we known we might have reached out to them earlier, as we did do to WPML. Download Polylang Pro v2.7.3 – The Most Popular Multilingual Plugin Nulled Free = v2.7.3 (2020-05-26) = Thanks To @NullMaster * Security: Slash metas * Pro: Fix categories not savedafter the language has been switched in the block editor Polylang Pro - The Most Popular Multilingual Plugin v2.8.3. No permission to download.
Improved: Compatibility with Visual Composer pageable and tabs modules Updated: Child theme for WPML an Polylang compatibility. wpml-config.xml updated.
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WooCommerce Pay for Payment) Yes, with wpml-config.xml. WooCommerce Endpoints: Yes, by installing the plugin Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration. Cart Validation to avoid product duplication: Yes, with small code 2021-01-21 · Improved: Polylang plugin string translation compatibility. Improved: WPML string translation compatibility improved for logos and copyright texts.
WordPress multilingual plugin.
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30 Aug 2019 le(): /customers/4/c/2/ wpml-config.xml:81: parser error : Opening and ending tag
You must create the directory if it does not exist. 2020-11-04 15 rows WordPress multilingual plugin. Contribute to polylang/polylang development by creating an account on GitHub.
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korpus program do projektowania30 Aug 2019 le(): /customers/4/c/2/ wpml-config.xml:81: parser error : Opening and ending tag
184 -* Revamp the wpml-config.xml reader to use simplexml instead of our custom xml parser. 213 -* Improve support for the WPML API (including Hook API introduced in WPML 3.2) 214 Added landing page sections support for WPML/Polylang localization; Added landing page options visibility dependencies checks; Added landing page icon blocks read more links; Added missing fields to WPML/Polylang wpml-config.xml file; Improved on-page SEO; Improved tables styling; Fixed quantity input being too short for double digits with I've create some custom posts on my customized theme in wordpress, in which the polylang plugin is activated. The translation works well, but the problem is that I need that specified contents rem 2019-09-03 2019-09-02 2020-11-15 Apparently it is not an issue with wpml-config.xml, since I can see the strings and translate them.
You have an error in the file wpml-config.xml included in your theme: /home/platne/serwer83279/public_html/pm/dermamedica/wp-content/themes/dermamedica/wpml-config.xml The theme author has to fix it. More info in the sticked topic:
Polylang automatically takes the wpml-config.xml configurations, so you don’t need to add more details to cover the two.
February 11, 2014 at 10:06 pm #337837 ❹ The checkbox is greyed for the strings generated by the Polylang functions, or wpml-config.xml files (which may be provided by your theme or plugins). These strings are automatically removed from the list when the corresponding plugin or theme is deactivated (although the translations are kept as explained above). 5. A long time ago, WPML created a file pattern called wpml-config.php, that allows plugins and themes to declare which post types, taxonomies, and admin texts should be translated. Theme mods fall in that “admin text” section. As it already was the pattern at that time, Polylang also uses the same file.